All Classes and Interfaces

An interface defining the behaviour of XML attributes.
An enum defining the Byte Order Marks for UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32.
Defines behaviour of validation messages.
An enum set that defines the severity of a message.
Factory interface for Message creation
Interface for a log of Message objects.
Utility class that handles creation of Message type instances, etc.
Interface for retrieving any useful metadata from an ODF package meta.xml file.
Interface that handles basic user defined field information.
An interface defining the properties of XML namespaces.
An interface defining the behaviour of ODF packages.
A static utility class for general ODF package parsing.
An interface defining the behaviour of ODF package parsers.
An interface defining the properties of XML document parsing results.
Simple extension of ParseResult to indicate whether the result of XML validation is valid or not.
A factory for creating ParseResult and ValidationResult objects.
Class to wrap the checking of XML files for well-formedness and validity.
Simple class to wrap XML schema vaidaton.
An interface for accessing the contents of a Zip archive.
An extension of ZipArchive that caches the contents of the archive and provides access to the InputStreams.
An interface for recording and accessing the properties of an entry from a ZipArchive.
Interface for processing ZipEntry objects from a ZipArchive
An implementation of ZipArchiveCache that caches the contents of the archive and provides access to the InputStreams.
Interface for a processor that processes an InputStream and a factory for the processor.
Factory for creating a ZipProcessor.
Utility class for working with ZipArchives.