Interface ParseResult

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ParseResult
An interface defining the properties of XML document parsing results. A ParseResult comprises various high level properties of the parsed XML document, such as the root element name, namespace, etc.
  • Method Details

    • isWellFormed

      boolean isWellFormed()
      Is the XML document well formed?
      true if the result is for a well formed XML document, otherwise false
    • getRootNamespace

      Namespace getRootNamespace()
      Get the Namespace associated with the document's root element
      the Namespace of the document's root element
    • getNamespaces

      List<Namespace> getNamespaces()
      Get all of the declared Namespaces in the document
      the List of the document's namespaces
    • getRootPrefix

      String getRootPrefix()
      Get the root element namespace prefix
      The String namesapce prefix of the document's root element, or an empty String if there is no root element NS prefix
    • getRootName

      String getRootName()
      Get the unqualified name of the document's root element
      The String unqualified name of the document's root element, or an empty String if there is no root element name
    • isRootName

      boolean isRootName(String name)
      Establish whether the document's root element name matches the supplied name
      name - the String name to compare with the document's root element name
      true if the document's root element name matches the supplied name, otherwise false
    • getRootAttributes

      List<Attribute> getRootAttributes()
      Get the root element Attributes
      the List root element Attributes
    • getRootAttributeValue

      String getRootAttributeValue(String qName)
      Get the value of the root element attribute with the supplied qualified name.
      qName - the String qualified name of the Attribute that the value is required of.
      the value of the Attribute, or null if the Attribute does not exist
    • getMessages

      List<Message> getMessages()
      The List of Message instances generated when parsing the document, which may be empty
      the List of document parsing messages