Interface Metadata

public interface Metadata
Interface for retrieving any useful metadata from an ODF package meta.xml file.
  • Method Details

    • getVersion

      String getVersion()
      Return the office version of the Metadata data.
      the office version of the Metadata data, or null if not present
    • getStringValueMap

      Map<String,String> getStringValueMap()
      The qualified Name value Map of all of the qualifiedName:string pairs found in the metadata block.
      The name value Map, may be an empty Map but never null
    • getStringValue

      String getStringValue(String qualifiedName)
      Get the String value for the supplied qualified name.
      qualifiedName - The qualified name of the value to retrieve
      The String value for the supplied qualified name or null if no key exists
    • getStringValue

      String getStringValue(String prefix, String localName)
      Look up the string value by prefix and local name.
      prefix - The prefix of the value to retrieve, usuall "meta" or "dc".
      localName - The local name of the value to retrieve.
      The String value for the supplied prefix and local name or null if no key
    • getUserDefinedFields

      List<Metadata.UserDefinedField> getUserDefinedFields()
      Get the user defined fields from the metadata block
      a List of any user defined fields, which is empty if there are none.