Interface MessageLog

public interface MessageLog
Interface for a log of Message objects.
  • Method Details

    • size

      int size()
      Get the number of messages in the log.
      the int number of messages in the log
    • isEmpty

      boolean isEmpty()
      Is the log empty?
      true if the log is empty, false otherwise
    • add

      int add(String path, Message message)
      Add a Message to the log for a particular path.
      path - the String path for the message
      message - the Message to be added
      the int number of messages in the log
    • add

      int add(String path, Collection<? extends Message> messages)
      Add a Collection of Messages to the log for a particular path.
      path - the String path for the message
      messages - the Collection of Messages to be added
      the int number of messages in the log
    • add

      int add(Map<String,List<Message>> messages)
    • getErrors

      Map<String,List<Message>> getErrors()
    • getWarnings

      Map<String,List<Message>> getWarnings()
    • getInfos

      Map<String,List<Message>> getInfos()
    • getMessages

      Map<String,List<Message>> getMessages()
    • getMessagesBySeverity

      Map<String,List<Message>> getMessagesBySeverity(Message.Severity severity)
    • getMessagesById

      Map<String,List<Message>> getMessagesById(String id)
    • getMessagesForPath

      List<Message> getMessagesForPath(String path)
    • hasErrors

      boolean hasErrors()
    • hasWarnings

      boolean hasWarnings()
    • hasInfos

      boolean hasInfos()
    • getErrorCount

      int getErrorCount()
    • getWarningCount

      int getWarningCount()
    • getInfoCount

      int getInfoCount()