Interface OpenDocument

public interface OpenDocument
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get the main ODF Document details, this will be the only document for a single XML file, a package may have sub-documents
    Indicates the type of OpenDocument, a zip archive package or a single XML file
    Get the format of the OpenDocument, this will be the declared format of the package or the parsed format of a single document.
    Get the ODF Package for the OpenDocument, this will be null for a single XML file.
    For and ODF Package get the sub-documents, these will be the documents in the package other than the main document.
    Is the OpenDocument an ODF package, i.e.
  • Method Details

    • getFileType

      FileType getFileType()
      Indicates the type of OpenDocument, a zip archive package or a single XML file
      an enumerated FileType valued indicating the type of OpenDocument
    • isPackage

      boolean isPackage()
      Is the OpenDocument an ODF package, i.e. a zip archive
      true if the OpenDocument is a package
    • getDocument

      OdfDocument getDocument()
      Get the main ODF Document details, this will be the only document for a single XML file, a package may have sub-documents
      the main ODF Document for the OpenDocument file
    • getSubDocuments

      Collection<OdfDocument> getSubDocuments()
      For and ODF Package get the sub-documents, these will be the documents in the package other than the main document. Single file OpenDocuments return an empty collection.
      the Collection of OdfDocument sub-documents.
    • getPackage

      OdfPackage getPackage()
      Get the ODF Package for the OpenDocument, this will be null for a single XML file.
      the ODF Package for the OpenDocument
    • getFormat

      Formats getFormat()
      Get the format of the OpenDocument, this will be the declared format of the package or the parsed format of a single document.
      the format of the OpenDocument