Interface OdfXmlDocument

public interface OdfXmlDocument
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get the name of the local/unqualified of the document's root element.
    Get the declared ODF MIME type of the document, parsed from a root element attribute
    Get the parse result of the XML document
    Get the namespace prefixed/qualfied name of the document's root element.
    Get the default namespace associated with the root element of the document
    Get the ODF version of the XML document, parsed from a root element attribute
    Does the document declare a MIME type?
    Does the document declare a version?
  • Method Details

    • getRootNamespace

      Namespace getRootNamespace()
      Get the default namespace associated with the root element of the document
      the root element namespace
    • getLocalRootName

      String getLocalRootName()
      Get the name of the local/unqualified of the document's root element.
      the unqualified name of the root element
    • getRootName

      String getRootName()
      Get the namespace prefixed/qualfied name of the document's root element.
      the unqualified name of the root element
    • hasMimeType

      boolean hasMimeType()
      Does the document declare a MIME type?
      true if the document declares a MIME type, otherwise false
    • getMimeType

      String getMimeType()
      Get the declared ODF MIME type of the document, parsed from a root element attribute
      the value of the mimetype attribute or null if no attribute found.
    • hasVersion

      boolean hasVersion()
      Does the document declare a version?
      true if the document declares a version, otherwise false
    • getVersion

      String getVersion()
      Get the ODF version of the XML document, parsed from a root element attribute
      The value of the version attribute or null if no attribute found
    • getParseResult

      ParseResult getParseResult()
      Get the parse result of the XML document
      the parse result of the XML document